
24 Lessons I Learned in 2024 (And How They Will Serve You in 2025)

December 30, 2024

Hi there! My name is Katrina Hadnot and I’m the heart and soul behind Lindale Studios–a studio dedicated to helping brands find their colors, educating about color and color theory, and creating hand-painted pieces and styling mats in order to elevate a brand’s styling and photos. A LITTLE INTRO… Currently, I live in Japan with […]

I'm Katrina!

An artist, photographer, world traveler, wife, and mom who is living a beautiful life in colorful Spain. Make yourself at home and explore these available resources to elevate your photography and branding.


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Hi there! My name is Katrina Hadnot and I’m the heart and soul behind Lindale Studios–a studio dedicated to helping brands find their colors, educating about color and color theory, and creating hand-painted pieces and styling mats in order to elevate a brand’s styling and photos.


Currently, I live in Japan with my family due to my husband’s job, but we are from the Washington DC area. We have three girls all in elementary school), and are very thankful for the opportunity to travel with them. The ages of my kids are 10, 8, and 5.

I’m very passionate about bringing art and creativity into the everyday parts of life.

2024 was the year everything was going to perfect.

I was ready to take my business to the next level, and push and push and push until I had nothing left.

Fast forward to the end of 2024. I finished well–not strong, not weak, but well.

Life throws us so many curveballs, and taking those curveballs as a mom of 3, and running a business in another country has made me come to many realizations this year. Some were hard to learn and come to terms with. BUT some were learned and came as relief.

I hope these will encourage you this year as you prep for 2025, and learn from 2024. You’ve got this!

24 Lessons:

  1. ADAPTABILITY is key to navigating life’s twists and turns. It allows you to roll with the punches and thrive in unexpected situations.
  2. BEING PRESENT is always worth it.
  4. You can have close friends AND casual friends.
  5. Saying no is OK. Having extra time is nothing to feel guilty about.
  6. CHANGE builds resilience.
  7. OPEN SPACE in life can force us to confront our own anxieties and uncertainties.
  8. You NEED PEOPLE to cheer you on in business AND LIFE…who celebrate the high’s and help you face the lows.
  9. CREATIVE PLAY is necessary for the soul.
  10. DON’T BE AFRAID to show up and share what you know.
  11. Selling is great, but EDUCATING is way more FUN!
  12. MY KIDS can be a part of my work life.
  13. Everything really does START WITH COPY. (HA!)
  14. GRATITUDE needs to be a part of everyday life.
  15. Setting more QUARTERLY GOALS versus yearly goals CAN BE helpful and more easily attainable.
  16. Lending a SUPPORTIVE EAR can be incredibly motivating for someone.
  17. There are SEASONS for PUSH, and seasons for BALANCE.
  18. FIND YOUR PEOPLE, they are out there.
  19. Know your 5 BUSINESS VALUES, and stick to them. People remember.
  20. Know your NUMBERS.
  21. SMALL CHANGES are significant in your business journey.
  22. FEAR OF FAILURE cannot be an excuse.
  23. INSTAGRAM is still a place to connect, and its amazing.
  24. Noticing SMALL JOYS builds a thankful heart.

What do you think?

Imagine, we just grab coffee IRL and you could share all your hopes and dreams, that would be SO fun. At least we can do it virtually! It’s time to bring some excitement back your brand – you ready?

Check out the Lindale Studios site here!  Scroll down for freebies! 

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I’m here for you, and cheering you on! It’s gonna be great,


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Imagine, we just grab coffee IRL and you could share all your hopes and dreams, that would be SO fun. At least we can do it virtually! 

For color analysis, brand package, & custom pieces

It's time to bring some excitement back to your brand - you ready?



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Creating hand painted styling mats and backdrops to elevate your work.


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