
New Styling Mats – Near Neutrals: Warm & Cool

October 9, 2022

Hey there! I had been wracking my brain on what the next launch should be inspired by. My family and I travel quite a bit while we are in Europe for the next few years, and I love being  inspired to look closely around me and see what new colors and textures come up in […]

I'm Katrina!

An artist, photographer, world traveler, wife, and mom who is living a beautiful life in colorful Spain. Make yourself at home and explore these available resources to elevate your photography and branding.


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Hey there! I had been wracking my brain on what the next launch should be inspired by. My family and I travel quite a bit while we are in Europe for the next few years, and I love being  inspired to look closely around me and see what new colors and textures come up in my mind!

If you are new to this blog, thank you for stopping by! I’m Katrina, an artist, creative, wife, and mom who LOVES to paint and design with her hands. I hand paint styling mats and backdrops, and am passionate about painting work that artistically enhances editorials, weddings, events, and brands. I currently live in Spain, but ship backdrops and styling mats back to the good ole’ USA often.

My newest collection is launching Tuesday, October 18, at 9 am, EST!


Why Neutrals?

I had been wracking my brain on what the next launch should be inspired by. My family and I travel quite a bit while we are in Europe for the next few years, and I love being  inspired to look closely around me and see what new colors and textures come up in my mind!

Two of the places we visited this year were London and Greece, and while we were there, I saw that there were neutrals everywhere! Now, don’t get me wrong, they looked very different. London had a refined, classic, and elegant feel, while Greece was relaxed, with bright whites, and felt like an escape. SO DIFFERENT! However, they both used creams, whites, high contrast, intense blacks, and lots of gray….neutrals!

Yes, super beautiful, BUT that doesn’t always translate to wonderful options for styling mats.  My goal was to help my clients and customers choose a mat (or MATS!) with purpose and I found that I wanted to launch a neutrals collection that was purposeful, luxury, and unique.   I love and am completely inspired by neutrals, but there is a reason I want to share more about them, NEAR NEUTRALS more specifically.  I want my the photographers and stylists who purchase my mats to be able to shop on Tuesday, October 18th, and select the rollable styling mats that will elevate and style what they NEED. Neutrals are awesome and cover all the bases.


What is a Near Neutral?

Good question!

Primary color + Neutral + White

Primary color = Red, Blue, Yellow

Neutral = Black, White, Brown, Gray

In order to create a NEAR NEUTRAL you have to add a great amount of white so that it is almost white.

I wanted the styling mats to still have a little color, so thats why this collection is “INSPIRED” by Near Neutrals.



What are the options for this next launch?

I’m so glad you asked! There are 5 different styling mats to choose from. They are based on both “warm” and “cool” near neutrals.



COLOR DESCRIPTION: Beige (a warm neutral “Brown variation”) + Red + White

Pairs well & accents well with: Greens, teals

WHY? Greens and Teals are the complimentary color of red (the primary color used) on the color wheel



COLOR DESCRIPTION: Beige (a Warm neutral “Brown variation”) + Yellow + White

Pairs well & accents well with: Blues, Purples

WHY? Blues and purples are the complimentary color of yellow (the primary color used) on the color wheel



COLOR DESCRIPTION: Beige (a Warm neutral “Brown variation”) + Blue + White

Pairs well & accents well with: Blues, Purples

WHY? Oranges, and yellows are the complimentary color of blue (the primary color used) on the color wheel



COLOR DESCRIPTION: Taupe (a Cool neutral “Brown variation”) + Red + White

Pairs well & accents well with: Greens, and teals

WHY? Greens, and teals are the complimentary color of red (the primary color used) on the color wheel



COLOR DESCRIPTION: Taupe (a Cool neutral “Brown variation”) + Blue + White

Pairs well & accents well with: Oranges

WHY? Oranges, and yellows are the complimentary colors of blue (the primary color used) on the color wheel

Flat Lays Phtoography and Styled by Branco Prata & Branco Prata Studios


What do you think? No more “which one should I buy? They are all so pretty!” Grab a mat with confidence and get ready to style with colors that go together.

No more guessing. Sounds good?

Awesome! Keep following along

Sign up here for our email list, and following for the next launch of October 18, at 9 am EST!


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Creating hand painted styling mats and backdrops to elevate your work.


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